Cupboard which is only Closed Curtains

Furniture Design Idea
Cabinets wooden doors, is normal. With the concept of sliding glass doors, are often seen. How about a built in and just closed the curtains, had been tried? The owner of this house already.

The idea of ​​making cabinets built in to outsmart the room is narrow, already widely known. This idea is also applied in the child's room, at a house owned by Louise J. Prasetio in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta this. Apart from this one trick, to make the look more tidy and compact, to think about how the lid.

Options usually will fall on the installation of doors, but not with mothers who work as architects and interior designers this. The idea is simple but its function remains fulfilled. He is replacing doors with curtains or blinds as closing the closet.

As a result, the closet remains neat because the pile of clothes in it, not visible from the outside. Cupboard also appear lighter. The cost required to make it even more certainly cheaper, than make a wood or glass doors. He cried again, curtains or blinds are allowed to digonta change.

Want to change color, can be adjusted with beddings. Want to make the room more cheerful with patterned drapes, no problem. Because the concept of same assembly with curtains on the windows, which can be changed as desired. Interested? Try, dong!


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