Drawer under bed

Drawer under bed
Goods storage space can be created in any area, even under the bed.
Bed or the bed has a certain height for comfortable use. Average bed (plus bed) has a height of about 60cm. If thicker mattresses between 20cm-30cm, then there is a height difference of about 30cm-40cm in the area under the mattress.

In ordinary bed, the area under the mattress that is usually a space that is not utilized. Dust often accumulate there, and make dirty. On the other hand, the area under the bedis usually also used to store goods . Suitcase or cardboard can be directly inserted into it.

Today, many of which have been designed bed has storage areas underneath. This area is a drawer that meeting so that the interior free of dust. Concept design of bed like this, among others, as shown in photo. Design the outside of the drawer is made "minimalist", with a hidden handle. Thus, the existence of a drawer handle does not interfere with activity.

Beds with storage space at the bottom can be purchased at stores or made ​​furniture in particular. Making in particular, can be tailored to the needs. Size of storage drawers can be adjusted toto the shape and size of the items you want to put in it . In fact, if it is possible, under bed storage drawers can be used to store the bed sleeping gear, clothes, toys, or valuable objects.


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