Ergonomic Chairs?

Ergonomic Chairs?
Do not underestimate that frequent back pain or back. It could be because the sitting position is wrong, you are not a result of ergonomic chairs.

During the sitting, the backbone we work hard to hold weight. A doctor from the institute of medical rehabilitation, dr. Peni Kusumastuti, said waist is the most heavy weight of our bodies. That's why when we sit in a long time, like in the office, let alone in the wrong position, will cause pain in the waist.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible not we sit down. In fact, about two-thirds of our time in a day, spent sitting. Dr Peni explains, sitting for long periods can cause stress on the bearing joints, the spine. If it lasts longer, there will be an accumulative stress that causes the joint bearing is damaged. If it is severe, must be resolved at the operating table.

Scary, huh? More scary anymore because it is not ergonomic seat design, seems to be one of the main causes. Lecturers and researchers from the Faculty of Arts and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Dr. Andar Bagus Sriwarno, saying "can not be simply interpreted Ergonomic comfortable." He introduced the principle of NASE, which stands for Comfortable, Safe, Healthy, and Efficient. This principle according to which must be owned by a chair, to be said ergonomic.

"The chair is ergonomically comfortable certainly occupied, because it can adapt to the needs of our bodies," he said. Every human being, he added, have different needs in terms of seating. The difference in shape and weight demands a different chair. People who are overweight must have difficulty sitting upright 90 degrees as their ideal weight. That's why more is needed backed chair ramps to hold his weight.

Now, instead of having a headache to design and find a different chair for each person, choose a chair that can be tailored to the needs of each person. At the very least, the holder, backrest, arm rest and the seat should be adjustable. So far, the chair with such regulatory systems commonly found on office chairs. Why? Because the work in the office is the longest of activities carried out by sitting.

So how to choose a chair that fits with us. Industrial Designer, Aloysius Baskoro, said there was no other way, should be tried. While at a furniture store and preparing to buy a seat, do not be bored trying. "When seated, note the position of our body. Is the seat design can make us sit in various positions with a comfortable or not," he said.

So, do not be tempted just an interesting seat design. No need to be proud too if I can buy a seat at a good price. Beautiful design and high prices did not guarantee the chairs comfortable and safe during use.


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