Furniture Room Tables at the Uniting nightstand and Breakfast Tray

furniture table in the room
You're the type who likes breakfast in bed? If so, make a bedside table that also functions replace brakfast tray. The design is not as complicated as we imagine, really.

One of the advantages of multifunctional furniture, in addition to saving land use, is practical. For those who like to eat breakfast or snacks, while relaxing in bed, breakfast tray is absolutely necessary. Surely it would be very inconvenient, must save the breakfast tray in the room. More trouble again when I have to take it first to the kitchen, whenever needed.

If so its condition, it means you need a furniture that can accommodate this function. What if we take inspiration from the hotels?

For those who enjoy sightseeing and staying in a hotel, probably familiar with the shape of the table on this one. A bedside table that can also be a breakfast tray.

The design is similar to the letter C, is composed of three wooden boards, could also make it from plywood. The shape is exactly as can be seen in this photo. To be comfortable, adjust its size to the height of the bed, at least make the table 30cm higher than the surface of the mattress. To help us move the table, fill the bottom with four small wheels.

The table in this photograph is made of plywood, measuring 35cm x 25cm x 80cm (LxWxH). In addition to a breakfast tray, you can also use it as a reading table. Fun, right?


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